The Ultimate Customer Experience Management Toolkit
Our Customer Experience Toolkit covers:
Guiding principles of customer experience management
The most important tools for customer experience measurement and how they relate to each other
Key elements to look for when choosing the right tools for your customer experience program
Download the free toolkit:
Why a CX Toolkit?
In 2022, 95% of brands said being able to keep customer experience consistent across touchpoints is important to their organization. However, only 45% said they are currently able to do so.
This glaring gap is why Intouch Insight has created this Customer Experience (CX) Toolkit.
Guiding CX Principles
The Intouch Insight Approach
- Listen, interpret, act
- Track data that drives change
- A blended approach

CX Measurement Tools
What They Are & How to Use Them
- Surveys
- Mystery shopping
- Operational audits
- Inspections and checklists

What's Included?
Intouch Insight's CEM Toolkit is comprised of three volumes:
- How to Pick a Customer Experience Management Platform
- The Quick Start Guide to Customer Experience Management
- The Blended Approach to Customer Experience Management
This distillation of our holistic approach was developed to help you navigate the Customer Experience landscape from Voice of Customer to mystery shopping and beyond so you can champion your own CEM program.

CX in Practice
How to Pick the Right Tool
- Selecting a survey tool
- Finding a mystery shopping provider
- Choosing inspection software
- Adopting a CX platform