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Customer Experience Measurement (3)

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2 min read

Top 5 Tips for Better CX Program Measurement

In our recent blog series, How to Measure Customer Experience During a Global Crisis, we talked about the importance of understanding your customers’...

Business professional looking at too much customer experience data

2 min read

How to Fix the Quagmire of Too Much Customer Experience Data

Most companies today have realized that customer experience (CX) is evolving into the number one factor they can control in terms of maintaining a...

Business professionals shaking hands on a customer experience partnership

2 min read

What Not to Do When Selecting a CX Technology Platform

Superior customer experience (CX) can be a game-changing tactic for businesses looking to transform their organization and outperform the...

3 min read

New York Flagship Survey

The customer experience. It’s often talked about, chased after, and sometimes — sadly — not considered at all. But in an environment where...

1 min read

Restaurant Operations Series: Using Measurement to Drive Execution

With the help of social media and websites like Yelp, Urbanspoon and Trip Advisor, consumers are more vocal than ever about their dine in-and quick...