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Mystery Shopping (4)

Mystery shopping drives real change

3 min read

How Mystery Shopping Delivers Real Change

Guest Post by Jeannie Walters, CCXP

Everything you need to know about mystery shopping

1 min read

What You Need to Know About Mystery Shopping in Under 90 Seconds

In today’s competitive marketplace, it’s so important for brands to stand out against the competition. In order to achieve this, businesses need to...

Two women opening a retail cannabis store practicing responsible sales

4 min read

How Cannabis Retailers Can Responsibly Sell Marijuana

As of October 17, 2018, the recreational use and sale of cannabis is legal in Canada. This is a significant moment in history, as Canada is now the...

Customer Experience Management team discussing business initiatives

6 min read

3 Ways to Get the Most Value out of Your Mystery Shopping Program

Customer experience (CX) is a top priority for most businesses, but many struggle to pinpoint where the brand vision for CX is not being delivered -...

3 min read

New York Flagship Survey

The customer experience. It’s often talked about, chased after, and sometimes — sadly — not considered at all. But in an environment where...

Server pouring wine for a happy customer at a restaurant

3 min read

4 Ways Restaurant Mystery Shopping Improves Customer Experience

When it comes to dining out, there’s no doubt that customers expect a seamless experience - delicious food, great service, and a pleasant atmosphere....

What should your mystery shopping scores be-2

1 min read

Guide: What Should Your Mystery Shopping Scores Be? [Infographic]

If you have just begun mystery shopping your stores, it’s important to set an initial target for the level of compliance you hope to achieve at each...

Mystery shopping & Customer Satisfaction surveys

1 min read

Improve Customer Experience with Mystery Shopping & CSAT Surveys

When it comes to the value of your mystery shopping program, your results are meaningless if the behaviours you're measuring aren't aligned with your...

2 min read

The Key to Effective Mystery Shopping: Understanding Your Customer

Have you ever been in a situation where you ask a question only to receive an answer that isn’t what you were looking for? Maybe you didn’t ask the...